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Le Cimetière du Diable - Volume 3

Réf. BourbonKidCimetiaireMade by : La librairie du Rock
Cimetière du diable 21,00 €
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Lifestyle La librairie du Rock - Le Cimetière du Diable - Volume 3 - Culture Cimetière du diable 21,00 €
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After The Book with No Name and The Eye of the Moon, the new adventures of the Bourbon Kid.

You haven't read The Book with No Name? Then you're still in the world, and that's good. You're about to witness an unprecedented show featuring Judy Garland, James Brown, Johnny Cash, the Blues Brothers, Kurt Cobain, Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson... and the Bourbon Kid.

The heroes of The Book With No Name find themselves this time in a delightful little town in the middle of the desert to attend a music festival with a promising name: Back from the Dead. Imagine a Ten Little Negroes rock revisited by Quentin Tarantino... Are you there? It's even better!

About The Book with No Name: "Scattered like a puzzle, dynamited, the conventions of the noir novel. The genre, ultra-codified and marked out, renews itself by going outside its borders, satisfying its need for new blood at the source of pop culture Les Inrockuptibles

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