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Le Livre sans nom - Volume 1

Réf. LivreSansNomMade by : La librairie du Rock
Le livre sans nom 21,00 €
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Lifestyle La librairie du Rock - Le Livre sans nom - Volume 1 - Culture Le livre sans nom 21,00 €
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Fabrication Product made in France
A literary equivalent to the films of Q.Tarantino, J.Carpenter, R.Rodriguez? At your own risk...

Santa Mondega, a South American city forgotten by the rest of the world, where terrible secrets lie dormant... A mysterious serial killer, who murders those unlucky enough to read an enigmatic "book with no name"... The killer's only living victim, who, after five years in a coma, wakes up, amnesic.. Two very special cops, an Elvis Presley look-alike hitman, crime lords, martial arts monks, a priceless gemstone, a massacre in a remote monastery, a few nods to Seven and The Ring... and here is the most rock'n'roll and jubilant thriller of the year!

Anonymously distributed on the Internet in 2007, this work, as original as it is delightful, quickly became a cult. It was then published, first in England and then in the United States, where it has been a dazzling success.

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