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Set Telecaster Vintage Hot Capot Chrome

Réf. 000Made by : Euterpe Micros
Set Telecaster Vintage Hot Capot Chrome 220,00 €
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In stock Shipping from 08/04/2025
Accessories Euterpe Micros - Set Telecaster Vintage Hot Capot Chrome - Electric Guitar Set Telecaster Vintage Hot Capot Chrome 220,00 €
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Fabrication Product made in France
Don't try to find out if this pickup set is a copy of this or that year of Fender production - that's not its purpose.

To design it, I started with a tried-and-tested base: a 7 kohm neck pickup, a 6 kohm bridge pickup and all in Alnico 5.

I then improved this base by winding them in RWRP (translation, it's the same physical principle as the humbucker, one coil wound in one direction with one polarity and the second wound in the opposite direction with the magnet polarized in the opposite direction) but also added a ground cable expressly for the neck cap so that I could comfortably make a 4 position Telecaster with a real humbucker on the serial position (don't worry, a 3 position remains completely feasible, consider it an "opportunity").

In terms of sound, this is a relatively modern Telecaster with real vintage capabilities, and the crunchiness is attenuated so you don't blow your ears off on the first solo.

Technical Specifications
  • Number of strings : 6
  • Active circuit : No
  • Splitable : 4-position selector compatible
  • Magnet type : Alnico 5
  • Position : Neck and Bridge
  • Weight (g) : 400
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