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Réf. fuzzMade by : Retro tone
Freakfuzz 179,00 €
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Effects & Pedals Retro tone - Freakface - Fuzz Freakfuzz 179,00 €
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Fabrication Product made in France
Silicium Fuzz face

I dreamed of a Fuzz Face that responds over the entire race of the Fuzz potentiometer, and not over the last quarter, well it's done!! Among the improvements, you will also find an internal trimmer which allows you to modify the texture of the sound. Equipped with two paired bc 108s and a circuit identical to the original, the Freakface will make you relive the beautiful sounds of the first silicon Fuzz Faces. The silicon version produces a brighter and sharper sound than the germanium version, the gain is also higher, the germanium version also tends to change its sound with heat. Here, in silicon there is no longer this kind of problem, we can use it on an overheated stage without any distortion of the sound

Features :
Control: level, fuzz
9v power supply Aluminum
case Painting Screen printing.
LEDs. True bypass.
3 year warranty
Handcrafted manufacture of the circuit box.
Assembled by hand in the Basque Country.

Technical Specifications
  • Voltage (V) : 9
  • TrueByPass : oui
  • Size (cm) : 14x8
  • Weight (g) : 300
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