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Réf. FuzzMade by : Retro tone
Mk3 216,00 €
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Effects & Pedals Retro tone - Mk3 - Fuzz Mk3 216,00 €
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Fabrication Product made in France
Mk3 Tone bender

The MK3 is a reproduction of the famous tone bender MK3.
It is built with 3 n.o.s. germanium transistors and a germanium diode.
This controls the problem that germanium fuzzes have when the transistors heat up;
The sound of this pedal is based on a tonebender 72. The 3 transistors are carefully selected.
The pcb is made in the workshop and identical to the original.
The sound of the seventies under the foot.

The germanium transistors are in positive ground.
This pedal must be connected to a separate 9v dc power supply.

Characteristics :

Control: Out, Fuzz, Tone
Power supply 9v
Reverse polarity protection
Aluminum case
Hammered paint
Silk-screen printing
True bypass

Handcrafted from the box to the circuit
Hand assembled in the Basque Country

Technical Specifications
  • Voltage (V) : 9
  • TrueByPass : Yes
  • Size (cm) : 14x8
  • Weight (g) : 300
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