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RC Booster V2

Réf. RCB-V2Made by : Xotic California
RC Booster V2 199,00 €
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Effects & Pedals Xotic California - RC Booster V2 - Booster RC Booster V2 199,00 €
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Fabrication Product made in United States
Excellent booster that respects the grain of the amp!

The Xotic RC Booster V2 is a boost pedal that also has an overdrive channel. RC really means "really clean". Inspired by the Scott Henderson RCB-SH model this pedal is becoming more and more popular and has even been seen on the pedalboards of artists such as Brad Paisley and Brent Mason.

It offers over 20dB of clean boost, very transparently, and includes volume, gain and EQ controls for treble and bass with +/-15dB and therefore allows players to create their sound with extreme precision while adding a wide range of harmonic content to the overall sound.

The pedal is very compact, so users don't have to worry about the space it takes up on the pedalboard.

The pedal features True Bypass, as does the entire Xotic line: when the pedal is not in use, the integrity of the original guitar signal remains intact.

This pedal can do a lot of things. I've even heard that some players who own this pedal leave it on all the time to improve their sound!

2 channel booster
Clean Boost +20 dB
Active EQ 2 Bass/Treble
Gain 1, Gain 2, Bass, Treble, Volume,
2 status LEDs
Metal housing
True Bypass

Technical Specifications
  • Voltage (V) : 9/18
  • Courant (mA) : 6
  • TrueByPass : Yes
  • Size (cm) : 11.2 x 6 x 5
  • Weight (g) : 280
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