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Modèle Dugpouce Algue Droitier

Réf. Pouce3algueMade by : Dugain
Dugpouce Algue 16,58 €
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Accessories Dugain - Modèle Dugpouce Algue Droitier - Picks Dugpouce Algue 16,58 €
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Fabrication Product made in France
Dugpouce Algae Picks with thumb for right-handed

Dugpouce Bioplastic Algae Pick
Dugpouce 30x25x3 Algae
PLA - Loaded with 50% Algae.
Soft sound and smooth feel.
Biosourced and Biodegradable
Biosourced plastic is interested in the origin of raw materials that are derived from renewable resources: vegetable, animal, residual, algae.
Biodegradable plastic means that they degrade through living organisms: bacteria, fungi, algae. In this case we are interested in their end of life.

Technical Specifications
  • Material : Algae
  • Thickness (mm) : 3
  • Weight (g) : 6
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