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Modèles ergonomiques Standug Delrin Droitier

Réf. StandugdelrinblancMade by : Dugain
Standug Delrin blanc 13,39 €
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Standug Delrin bleu 13,39 €
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Standug Delrin noir 13,39 €
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Accessories Dugain - Modèles ergonomiques Standug Delrin Droitier - Picks Standug Delrin blanc 13,39 €
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Accessories Dugain - Modèles ergonomiques Standug Delrin Droitier - Picks Standug Delrin bleu 13,39 €
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Accessories Dugain - Modèles ergonomiques Standug Delrin Droitier - Picks Standug Delrin noir 13,39 €
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Fabrication Product made in France
Ergonomic Delrin plectrums with thumb and index finger for right-handed people

Delrin Ergonomic Mediator - 30x25x4mm. with thumb and index finger.
Delrin: warmest, smoothest sound in the range.

Sculpted tip facilitates the outgoing/returning.
Its profile generates a sound on the return that is very similar to the one on the outward journey.
The Dugain tip mediates between you and your instrument and will reveal the full depth of your Guitar's tones.

Technical Specifications
Thickness (mm)
Accessories Dugain - Modèles ergonomiques Standug Delrin Droitier - Picks Standug Delrin blanc
13,39 €
6 g
Accessories Dugain - Modèles ergonomiques Standug Delrin Droitier - Picks Standug Delrin bleu
13,39 €
6 g
Accessories Dugain - Modèles ergonomiques Standug Delrin Droitier - Picks Standug Delrin noir
13,39 €
6 g
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