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The Great Escape

Réf. TH-GE-0001Made by : Thrilltone
The Great Escape 259,00 €
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Effects & Pedals Thrilltone - The Great Escape - Modulation The Great Escape 259,00 €
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Fabrication Product made in France
A 100% analog dynamic tremolo that allows you to modulate speed and depth with a simple pick stroke

The tremolo is a great effect, but I must admit that in most cases, it lacks subtlety... It has this mechanical and repetitive side that often pushes us to use it in a homeopathic way, not too often, and with not too extreme settings... It's a pity, no?

With this in mind, I thought about the tremolo... how to add life to this effect ? how to give it a little nobility ? What if we could make it as pleasant to use as a delay ? What if we finally integrated that guitarists are not (all) robots ?

After 3 years of research, tests and many hours spent with a soldering iron in hand, and a new patent filed, it is finally ready: here is "The Great Escape", an organic tremolo, natural, expressive, which gives back to the tremolo its letters of nobility!

The Great Escape is a unique 100% analog tremolo that combines both a bias amp tremolo stage and an envelope detection stage, allowing to modulate both the speed and the depth of the effect.

So, with a simple stroke of the pick, it becomes possible to vary the speed and intensity of the effect, for a much more natural and organic tremolo... a living tremolo, quite simply... They say that music is a means of expression... With The Great Escape, you'll be able to express yourself!

Watch the video of the Great Escape

Technical Specifications
  • Voltage (V) : 9
  • Courant (mA) : 65
  • TrueByPass : yes
  • Size (cm) : 120 x 94 x 34
  • Weight (g) : 360
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